Branch: laravel-9x | Database: mbrdb_dev | App Name: DEV : My Booking Rewards | Laravel: 11.26.0 | PHP 8.3.12

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Hotels & Resorts Rewards – Conditions Générales


1.Playa Hôtels est totalement propriétaire de Jewel Rewards.

2.Pour vous enregistrer, vous devez être employé d’une agence de voyages en Europe ,  d’un tour operator ou être un employé à domicile appartenant à un consortium reconnu (s’il vous plait indiquer votre code agence).

3.Vous pouvez adhérer à titre individuel ou en tant qu’agence.

4. Si vous adhérez en tant qu’agence, il est de la responsabilité du Manager de répartir les récompenses entre les membres du personnel comme il le souhaite.

5. Votre identifiant et mot de passe sont uniques  et ils  vous accompagneront si vous changez d’agence.  Vous pouvez nous en informer en mettant à jour les nouveaux détails de contact en vous rendant tout simplement dans la rubrique "Editer votre profil."

 6.  En vous inscrivant chez nous, vous acceptez que nous utilisions vos coordonnées dans le seul but de communiquer avec vous au sujet de cet Incentive ou autres informations concernant Playa Hotels et/ ou Jewel Hotels ainsi que les détails d’hôtels relatifs à cette promotion. Toutes les communications relatives à des offres proviendront soit des hotels détaillés dans cette promotion soit de leurs représentants sur le marché, de Paya Hotels ou de MyBookingRewards(MBR)

7.  Nous promettons de ne pas partager vos informations personnelles avec toute autre organisation sans votre consentement.

8.    Cet Incentive est basé sur un « paiement non taxable » Il est de votre responsabilité de déclarer toutes les récompenses auprès de HMRC via votre déclaration P11D ou IRS W-9 (USA) relevant de votre autorité fiscale locale. En cas de doute, renseignez- vous auprès du service compétent.

 9. Une réclamation de récompense concernant une réservation, ne peut être demandée qu’après la date d’arrivée des clients et ayant reçu notre approbation. Dans le cas d’une double réservation, l’initiateur de la réservation (i.e vente directe au client ) sera récompensé.

10. Toutes les réservations devront être transmises individuellement à Playa Hotel pour approbation. Cela ne se fera qu’ après la date de départ du client . L’hôtel autorisera alors votre récompense et vous en serez avisé par une notification.

11.  Si vous souhaiter stocker ou récupérer vos récompenses  après qu’elles aient été autorisées- cliquer simplement sur "Récupérer vos Récompenses".

12. Ce programme de Récompense est exclusivement réservé aux agents et tour opérators résidents au Royaume Uni.

13. Les Récompenses sont sujettes à modification à tout moment.

14. Si vous payez des impôts au Royaume Uni, nous déduirons un minimum de 20% de taxes par défaut à la source sur vos récompenses monétaires au moment du retrait. Il vous sera toujours demandé et il en est de votre responsabilité de confirmer votre tranche d’imposition si elle est supérieure ou égale à 20% . Tout résident non britannique est toujours tenu de faire ses propres déclarations et peut demander d’être exclu des déductions automatiques. En cas de doute, rapprochez- vous de votre employeur et de l’autorité compétente




Welcome to My Booking Rewards
As a registrant of My Booking Rewards (MBR) you agree to the following:
Agent: an individual or group that registers with MBR to submit bookings via any MBR channel in return for receiving a Reward.
Program the booking incentives and Rewards for achievement of targets offered by Suppliers
Supplier: providers of tourism product who wish to engage with Agents and incentivise them to sell more of their product to consumers. These include but are not limited to: Destination Marketing Organisations such as Tourist Boards, Convention & Visitors’ Bureaux or Promotion Boards; Hotels (chains or individual hotels); Airlines, Cruise Lines, Tour Operators, Ferry Operators, Car Hire Companies, Travel Insurance Companies.
Appointed Representative: a company based in the UK who is formally contracted to represent a Supplier and to conduct travel trade sales and marketing in the UK market on behalf of the Supplier.
Event: including but not limited to face-to-face and virtual (online) training seminars, social events (parties, networking, awards nights)
Incentive: a Reward, whether Monetary or Beneficial, given upon achievement of a stated target.
Redeem: to make a claim on points and prizes
Transfer: taking monetary Rewards from your MBR Balance (Account)
Date of Monetary Reward: the date on which the Monetary Reward is transferred by MBR to the Agent’s MBR Balance.
MBR Balance: the monetary rewards earned by the agent as displayed after agent login.
MBR: My Booking Rewards Limited, a company registered in England under number 08434768 whose registered office is at Kingfisher House, Hurstwood Grange, Hurstwood Lane, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 7QX.
Monetary Reward: Reward in money that is displayed in the Agent’s MBR Balance.
Beneficial Reward: Reward in all other formats other than money. This may include but is not limited to: points, prizes, competition entries, gifts, goody bags and familiarisation trips.
Reward: Monetary or Beneficial Rewards that are received by the Agent when submitting bookings via MBR’s channels.
Terms: the terms and conditions herein and any other terms that govern your use of our website and supply of services.
  1. Membership of My Booking Rewards (MBR)
    1. In order to register you must be a bona fide Travel Agent or an employee of a travel agency or tour operator.
    2. You may join either as an individual agent or as an agency (group of individuals) provided you can still adhere to all other conditions of your membership. In the case of Agency Membership all Rewards will be paid into a single account.
    3. Your User Name is your choice of valid email address. If you move to a different company, it is your responsibility to keep your profile information up to date by using "Edit Profile". Failure to keep a valid email address in your profile may lead to the removal of your profile and the loss of any rewards due to you.
    4. By registering with us you agree to us using your details for the sole purpose of communicating with you about MBR and any incentives or promotions registered with MBR and our associated Suppliers. All communications regarding offers will come from Suppliers detailed in the incentive or promotion, their Appointed Representative, or MBR.
    5. By subscribing to any part of MBR or Supplier Programs within the platform you accept that MBR may contact you via the channels given, including sending you E-mails, on its behalf, on behalf of its sub-brand or that of any of its Supplier Programs.
    6. By subscribing to a Program you may earn the Rewards of that Program.
    7. By submitting a booking via any MBR channel means you agree to be automatically subscribed to any other applicable Program to which the booking also applies and that you accept the terms and conditions of that Program.
  2. How We Use Your Data
    1. Your email data will not be passed on to third parties other than those Suppliers/Partners to whose Reward Programs you are subscribed, or by attending an Event where a Supplier is listed.
    2. You accept that you will receive Rewards and communications from any Program to which you are subscribed.
    3. MBR may from time to time send relevant updates about MBR, its affiliate companies, its Events, products and Suppliers. You consent to being contacted by email for direct marketing purposes by MBR and all Suppliers to whose Reward Programs you are subscribed.
    4. By registering with MBR Events or attending an individual Event be that virtual or physical, you agree for MBR and all Suppliers listed for the Event, to use your details for the purpose of communicating with you, and you accept that all communications will come either from the Supplier detailed in the promotion, their Appointed Representative, or MBR.  
    5. By registering with MBR, you give authorisation for your photos & video from your profile or your participation in any virtual or real event to be taken & distributed in the context of promoting MBR, its Suppliers and its Events. If you are not happy with this, please email immediately.
    6. It is your responsibility to read and accept the terms and conditions of each Program, which may change from time to time.
  3. Your Rewards
    1. Rewards are at the discretion of the Supplier and values and criteria of Rewards may change at any time. Any changes to Rewards will be clearly indicated on the home page of the relevant Program or may communicated to you by the supplier from time to time.
    2. Your engagement with each Reward Program and your agreement for Rewards is between you and the respective Reward Supplier for which you also register and accept the terms.
    3. MBR accepts no liability for any misconduct or non-payment of Rewards due by any Supplier Program.
    4. Your Rewards are paid from the respective Reward programs to your personal MBR Balance where your monetary Rewards are stored. It is your responsibility to claim and transfer your monetary Rewards from your personal MBR balance to your chosen payment method via the options available at the time.
    5. In the case where you select to be paid by ‘wire transfer’ to your chosen bank account, you accept to receive the Rewards value in local currency converted at the prevailing exchange rate and you accept any applicable transfer and currency exchange fees, which will be deducted from your amount being transferred from your personal MBR balance.
    6. Your points remain the remain visible under each issuing program until redeemed. These points cannot be redeemed against another program unless expressly indicated.
    7. It is your responsibility to redeem your points within any timeline or redemption rules per program
    8. As of 1st July 2015, if you pay tax in the UK, you will be requested to select your own tax bracket as you Transfer Monetary Rewards, and our system will automatically deduct the relevant tax at source from your Rewards payable. 
    9. There is no opt-out of this for UK residents and as such we will automatically deduct a minimum of 20% and pay to HMRC.
    10. If you are earning OUTSIDE of the UK, there is no auto deduction option to select and you are responsible for making your own declarations to your tax authorities.
    11. It otherwise remains your responsibility to make this selection and declare any applicable income from Rewards received to HMRC or other relevant tax authorities via your P11D or equivalent form. If in doubt you should ask your employer’s advice on this.
    12. All bookings must be logged before the clients travel.
  4. Recovery Of Monetary Reward
    1. Subject to clauses 4.b.i and 4.b.ii below, MBR will display the Monetary Reward in the MBR Balance until a Transfer is initiated by the Agent.
    2. Notwithstanding clause 4.a, MBR reserves the right to recover the Monetary Reward from the Agent’s MBR Balance, in either of the below cases, and as such if :
      1. The agent account has been dormant for 24 or more months which is calculated from the last date an agent does one of the following:
        1. Logs a booking

        2. Earns a Reward from any reward program

        3. Redeems points

        4. Transfers / withdraws money from their personal MBR account

        5. Requests a pre-paid card

      2. the Monetary Reward is not transferred by the Agent and the Agent subsequently unsubscribes from the services provided by MBR, by way of account deletion, membership withdrawal or otherwise.
    3. Where a Monetary Reward is withdrawn in accordance with clause 4.b, the Agent will lose any rights attached to the Monetary Rewards, including any rights to claim any benefits of the Monetary Reward and MBR will have full legal and beneficial ownership of such withdrawn Monetary Rewards.
    4. MBR reserves the right to change the method by which Monetary Rewards are paid.
    5. Unless otherwise referred to in the Terms of a specific program, all Monetary Rewards will be transferred to your MBR Balance where you may save until you click Transfer.
    6. All Points will be saved under the specific Program from which you earned, until you click Redeem.
  5. Data Protection
    1. The information and personal data relating to the Agent ("Personal Data") are processed by MBR as the data controller, as defined by GDPR (Data Protection Act 2018), and processing is strictly limited to membership of the MBR programme, payment of Rewards and e-communications directly relating to Reward programmes and Events offered by MBR.
    2. The personal information collected by the Company in the registration form is intended for MBR, which reserves the right to use it in the context of the MBR Programme and any Reward programmes to which the Agent is subscribed (in particular to contact and correspond with the Agent and for marketing purposes as part of its activities).
    3. The data is processed and stored in the UK according to secure protocols.
    4. The exclusive purpose of the data processing is to:
      1. fulfil and manage the Agent's Rewards
      2. improve service quality (personalised offers, combating fraud, identifying malfunctions, improving customer knowledge through anonymous statistical analyses)
      3. marketing communication.
    5. The information collected and anonymised may be used for statistical and analytical purposes.
    6. Some of the information requested is mandatory. This will allow MBR to manage Agents. Other information is optional, and the Agent may decide whether or not to give this information. This information will allow MBR to offer the services best suited to the Agents’ circumstances.
    7. Some of our service providers may be based outside of the European Economic Area (the “EEA”). These service providers may work for us or for one of our suppliers and may be engaged in, among other things, verification of your bookings, approval and fulfilment of your Rewards, hosting of webinars, issue of marketing communications and the provision of support services. By submitting your personal information, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. Where we transfer your data to a service provider that is outside of the EEA we seek to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to make sure that your personal data is held securely and that your rights as a data subject are upheld. In most cases the safeguard which we rely on is the ‘Standard Contractual Clauses’ permitted by the GDPR, but where our Suppliers are members of programs such as the USA’s ‘Privacy Shield’ or have other appropriate mechanisms in place we may rely on those mechanisms instead. If you would like more information about the mechanisms via which your personal data is transferred, please contact
    8. Your personal data is stored for a period of 7 years, which corresponds to the limitation, under ordinary law, of accounting records, liability actions and to meeting legal or regulatory obligations.
    9. The Member is entitled to:
      1. request access to his or her data
      2. rectify inaccurate data
      3. deletion (right to oblivion)
      4. limit processing of his or her data
      5. oppose the processing of his or her information and personal data. In such cases, it is noted that as a result of the deletion of his or her personal data, all or part of the services for which the latter are required as part of using the Website will no longer be accessible, for which MBR and/or the Agent’s employer cannot be held responsible or liable.
      6. data portability on a machine-readable medium,
      7. withdraw consent at any time for previously opted-in communications
    10. The Agent can exercise the above by writing to My Booking Rewards Ltd, Kingfisher House, Hurstwood Grange, Hurstwood Lane, Haywards Heath RH17 7QX or emailing, enclosing proof of identity with the request.
    11. The Agent has the right to make an appeal relating to the processing of his or her personal data with the UK data protection authority (Information Commissioner’s Office).
  6. Responsibility
    1. The company does not accept any responsibility or liability in the event of improper use of a Rewards program or the use of a Rewards program by an unauthorised third party.
    2. The Agent must keep his or her login and password confidential and is responsible and liable for any use of this login and password by third parties and for any actions taken by using the login and password in question.
    3. If the Agent should have reasons to believe that the confidentiality of his or her login and/or password has been compromised, he or she should immediately contact MBR and request a new login and password. (
    4. MBR reserves the right to take any steps it deems appropriate in the event of fraudulent use or misuse of the website or Supplier Reward programs.
    5. Any failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions and/or any falsification of information sent to MBR will automatically lead to the termination of the Agent’s membership and the cancellation of his or her Rewards.
    6. The website is made available to Agents as is. Although MBR makes every effort to ensure that the website is error-free and up-to-date, it cannot be held responsible or liable in the event that the website and / or Supplier program content is not up-to-date or contains errors, except in the case of fraud on its part. Moreover, MBR cannot be held responsible or liable for any viruses, malware, Trojans, or other malicious software that could be transmitted while using the website or in emails sent in connection with the MBR program. Agents are responsible for having the firewall and antivirus software required to prevent any such infections.
    7. MBR does not guarantee that the website will be available, and accessible to Agents at all times. MBR is only bound by an obligation to use all reasonable means to ensure this accessibility, bearing in mind that the website may be temporarily unavailable on account of maintenance, in the event of attacks by third parties, in the event of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances or more generally due to actions of third parties (e.g. the website host), or as a result of orders given by administrative or judicial authorities.
    8. MBR cannot be held responsible or liable for any problems that may result from Agents using the Internet, particularly problems with logging into the website, login delays, and problems that may arise when data is transferred between Agents and the website. 
    9. MBR will endeavour to ensure that Suppliers maintain adequate float funds to cover all Rewards owed. However, MBR cannot be held responsible or liable for any Rewards owed by Suppliers for which there are insufficient funds available in their float.
    10. MBR is entitled at any moment to freely decide to amend or supplement the Terms. Similarly, MBR reserves the right to interrupt, amend, or terminate the Rewards Programme.
    11. In this respect, MBR will inform Agents of any amendments made (i) by sending an email to each Agent to the address provided upon signing up, or (ii) by publishing these amendments on the website. Any amendments introduced will apply to Agents.
    12. No amendment, including termination of the MBR Rewards Program, will entitle the Agent to compensation.
    13. In the event that the MBR Rewards Program is terminated, Rewards already available to be Redeemed and / or Transferred will be available for the rest of the calendar year. If they are not redeemed or transferred, they will be lost on expiry of that period.
    14. The Terms and Conditions and the Rewards Program are governed by and construed in accordance with UK law. Any dispute relating to the Terms and Conditions and their interpretation and/or enforcement or the application of the Terms and Conditions or the MBR Program will fall within the exclusive competence of the UK Commercial Court.
    15. The Terms and Conditions have been drafted in English (and, where appropriate, in the language of the country where the Agent resides).
    16. The English version is the only version that prevails and binds the parties; nevertheless, the English version (and, if applicable, the version drafted in the language of the country where the Agent resides) is a recognised and accepted translation and no other translation may therefore be required to construe the Terms and Conditions.
    17. We reserve the right to verify your employment status and validity of your bookings at any time.
For any questions or concerns email: